In this list, we try to cover the latest software tools.

Most VJ Softwares have now evolved to the level of working as media servers. Setting up multiple projectors can get tricky, these tools aim to make that process easier and smoother for you. Some are better for Live VJing while others are better at handling large scale setups like building projection mapping. However not all software is created equal. VJ Software and tools have become so advanced now that most of them work as a media server. Christmas Santa Claus is coming to town! Winter – time for holidays.Halloween Spooky & scary content for halloween parties and disco events.Wedding Romantic visuals and love story video footage for wedding events.Music & Sound FX Cinematic Track, sound effects for motion graphics.Green Screen Footage People and Animals performing in green screen studio.Video Footage with transparent background. Alpha Channel Videos Models and actors performing over alpha channel.