
Wonder girl magic lasso of persuasion
Wonder girl magic lasso of persuasion

(Mention of the attacks is made in Superman v.2 #178 ) 2001)ĩ/11: Muslim fundamentalists attack the World Trade Center and Pentagon. A holographic monument to Aquaman is erected in the Atlantic Ocean. The JLA and others pay their respects for the casualties of war: Hippolyta, Aquaman, Sam Lane, Strange Visitor, Maxima. Lena Luthor is returned to her father as an infant. This satisfies Imperiex's its goal of reigniting the universe and disperses Brainiac 13's consciousness across the universe. Superman devises a plan which combines B13 technology (to create time displacement) and Apokoliptian technology (a boom tube) to send War World back in time to the moment of the Big Bang. NOTE: Brainiacġ3 first appeared in Superman: Y2K #1 he claims to be from 800 centuries in the future.īrainiac 13 succeeds in taking over the power of Imperiex and intends to infect the universe with its being. Maxima dies in the battle against Brainiac 13. Steel is revived in the armor of an Imperiex clone. Hippolyta revives her daughter using Amazon science but perishes herself in stopping Imperiex's Hollower from reaching Earth. NOTE: Will Magnus as Veridium has since been retconned as a hallucination ( 52 #22). They both claim that there is evidence of a former "multiverse" which has collapsed and been reborn. Veridium and Emil Hamilton explain that the Earth is a cosmic nexus. Darkseid unveils the Entropy Aegis — theįusion of an Imperiex probe and Apokoliptian technology. However, the Black Racer has a rare change of heart and returns John Henry to life. Steel dies from injuries sustained in releasing Doomsday. NOTE: Tempest's actions occur off-panel and are explained further in JLA #72. (The trench, in fact, hides the ruins of ancient Atlantis the time travel has altered history).

wonder girl magic lasso of persuasion

This creates a great trench in the Atlantic Ocean. As part of a magical contingency plan, Tempest transports 20th Century Atlantis 3,000 years into the past. Wonder Woman and Guy Gardner are critically injured. The JLA are unable to defeat Imperiex's scouts. Doomsday and Superman destroy many probes before Doomsday is blasted to dust.

wonder girl magic lasso of persuasion

The Suicide Squad frees Doomsday and Manchester Black "reprograms" the monster to attack Imperiex instead of Superman. Superman: Our Worlds at War Secret Files (Sept. The survivors form an alliance with Darkseid and head for Earth. Imperiex wakes and begins its mission to "reignite" the universe — to create another "big bang." His ultimate target is Earth and en route, he ravages Kalanor (home of Despero) Daxam (Valor/M'onel) Almerac (Maxima) and Rann (Adam Strange) and completely destroys Karna (the Gordanians, Tamaranians and Vegan felines). Luthor does not alert the public, and the first Imperiex probe successfully destroys Topeka, Kansas.

wonder girl magic lasso of persuasion

Lena Luthor (partner of Brainiac 13) warns her father Lex about the coming attack of Imperiex. Johnny Quick makes a trip into the future and finds that there's nothing there! NOTE: In flashback, the CSA appear in their original pre-Crisis uniforms. After this, the CSA realize that they have nothing left to conquer.

wonder girl magic lasso of persuasion

In earlier days, Sonar led the Justice Underground, with members such as Star Sapphire, General Grodd, Q-Ranger, Sir Solomon Grundy, Doctor Eclipso, Zazzala the Insect Queen and the Quizmaster (all of whom were slain). This nation was run by Lady Sonar and was the last bastion of rebellion on Earth. In the antimatter universe, the Crime Syndicate eradicate resistance in the nation of Modora.

Wonder girl magic lasso of persuasion